Thank you to everyone who joined us for ECTS 2021 Digital Congress.
After 8 days of live sessions spanning from 6 May until 18 June 2021, we are proud to say that the congress was a great success. More than 1010 delegates from 56 countries around the world participated in our 2021 Digital Congress, rich in learning and networking.
The highlight of #ECTS2021 was, with no doubt, our coffee shops that helped us in reconnecting our members in an informal and interactive way to discuss about science and not only!
We offered an innovative scientific programme, we covered a large number of different topics with several joint sessions. The level of abstract presentations was outstanding with many abstracts coming from Asia. Let’s not forget the contributions from our corporate colleagues.We are very pleased to read the results of the evaluation survey as a large majority of respondents rated the overall quality of the scientific sessions as very good. We are motivated by your feedback and here is a glance of what we learned from you:
- I really enjoyed my first time at ECTS and really hope that I can continue to attend in the future (I’m a final year PhD student).
- Very much enjoyed it. Please keep the virtual option available. I would be able to attend many more of these conferences that way.
- Great congress! It always is and it hasn’t lost its rigor even in the virtual form.
- It was a wonderful congress! Thanks for the organisation, which was excellent.
- This was one of the best online conferences I’ve been to. Hopefully the next will be F2F!
- Organise a section with “clinical problems” previously sent by delegates and answer by 5-7 minutes by experts.
- Deepen the field of mechanical unloading.
- Organise a debate of clinicians together with basic scientists.
Do you share this feedback or do you have other suggestions of what we can do for you at a next ECTS Congress? We value your input as this will help us in planning and enhancing future ECTS Meetings. You can share your feedback in the delegate lounge here.
The Digital Congress platform will remain accessible until 31 August. Delegates are logging in daily still, to savour the on-demand content. Are you one of them?
Please join us by saying a big Thank You to the many contributors of this year congress: ECTS 2021 Scientific Programme Committee, the speakers and abstract presenters, our corporate partners, abstract reviewers.
It is now the turn to ECTS President Bo Abrahamsen and the 2022 Scientific Programme Committee to convince you that ECTS 2022 in Helsinki will be THE place where scientific research and clinical practice meet! We look forward to meeting you in Helsinki!