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Meet the Professor

Lawrence G. Raisz, MD

Pathogenesis of Osteoporosis: Concepts and Prospects


  1. Major pathogenetic mechanisms
    1. Determinants of peak bone mass – genetics and lifestyle
    2. Determinants of accelerated bone loss – estrogen and calcium deficiency
    3. Determinants of impaired formation response – cellular aging and growth factor abnormalities
  2. Determinants for falls – drugs, neuromuscular impairment and environment
  3. Areas of uncertainty – sites and mechanisms of estrogen action, role of cytokines, roles of the Wnt signaling pathways.

Education goals
Attendees should be able to outline the major known pathogenetic mechanisms in osteoporosis and define the most important unanswered questions

Target audience
Clinicians, clinical investigators and basic researchers interested in studying the pathogenesis of osteoporosis.

Teaching method
The attendees will have a handout summarizing the major topics to be covered and be asked to give the group their ideas concerning each topic as well as having the opportunity to ask questions.

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