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Meet the Professor

André Uitterlinden

Genetics of Bone Diseases

Genetic analysis of bone diseases, in particular the complex diseases such as osteoporosis, has made substantial progress through accomplishments of the Human Genome project and its sequela (dbSNP, HapMap), and novel technological developments. This workshop will address approaches, pitfalls and progress in identifying genetic markers for bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

Topics to be covered

  • Study design (collections, populations, meta-analysis)
  • Genotyping techniques (single SNPs, Genome Wide Approaches with high density SNP arrays), DNA handling
  • Examples of gene polymorphisms: associations, clinical use, functional analysis

Key educational goals

  1. Learn and understand principles of genetic analysis
  2. Understand limitations of approaches
  3. Understand what approach should be taken to find bone genes

Target audience
This workshop is aimed at people at all levels: medical graduate students, basic researchers (PhD student, postdocs, staff), technicians, clinical investigators, practising clinicians.

Teaching methods
A brief overview of the field and the topics mentioned will be given, allowing much space for questions from the audience. The discussion will be informal and interactive.

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