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Meet the Professor

Roberto Civitelli

How to get your paper published

The participants will be offer an interactive session during which they will learn the fundamentals on how to prepare and write a scientific manuscript for successful publication. Topics for discussion will include how to gather data and thoughts and how to organize the material; general approaches and suggestions for writing the different sections of the manuscript and for formulating an effective title. Other topics will include type of manuscript and how to select the appropriate target journal, as well as the review process and how to prepare an effective revision.

Key educational goals

  1. Learning how to organize material for a scientific report
  2. Writing effectively for a scientific journal
  3. Understanding the scientific review process

Target audience
Students, fellows, young investigators and scholars who are entering academia and intend to pursue original research endeavors.

Teaching methods
The session leader will provide essential information and ideas on each topic and then engage the audience soliciting input through direct questions and examples.

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