Academy Selection 2025 basic scoring form- internal review Applicant* First name Last name Mr./Mrs./Mx.Mr.Mrs.Mx.Reviewer* First name Last name Conflict of interest* I confirm there are no conflict of interest with the applicant (such as same country, joint publication or grant in the last 5 years) Main theme of work:The applicant has published at least 3 original publication as first or last author in international peer reviewed journals (select the highest applicable)* 2: Between 3-4 publications and impact factor <3 4: Between 3-4 publications and impact factor >3 4: More than 5 publications and impact factor <3 5: More than 5 publications and impact factor >3 6: First authored and impact factor >8 6: Senior authorship and impact factor >3 The applicant should be able to demonstrate a proven track record in securing external grant income as PI only – select highest applicable 0-6* 0: Does not provide enough information to demonstrate securing grant income 1: Travel, NI Grants, Awards & Prizes 2: Institute Grants 3: Personal Fellowship 4: National Grants 5: As co-PI/work package leader on EU Project 6: International Grants The applicant should be able to demonstrate a scientific excellence profile and cooperative engagement for advancing musculoskeletal research – cumulative points, max 5* 1: Attendance of bone conferences, membership 1: Committee work, organization of meetings, editorial board 1: Supervision of more than 3 students/postdocs 1: Teaching (lab courses, lectures) 1: Outreach, public engagement Motivation letter (0-5)* 1: Good 3: Enthusiastic 5: Very enthusiatic Review of Reference Letters*Referees were asked to grade the scientific qualification in the bone field/technical skills/track record of the applicant. 0: Above 50% 1: Top 20% 2: Top 10% 3: Top 5% Referees were asked to estimate the dedication of the applicant to the bone field* 0: Lower than 80% 1: Higher than 80% Referees were asked to provide general feedback and recommendations in a free text* 0: Medicore 1: Very Enthusiastic CommentsCAPTCHA