Academy Selection 2025 Eligibility Review Applicant's name* First Last Mr./Mrs./Mx.Mr.Mrs.Mx.Reviewer's name* First Last Conflict of interest* I confirm there are no conflict of interest with the applicant (such as joint publication or grant in the last 5 years, same country or institution, collaborators or strong competitors) The applicant mostly works on:* biomedical basic or translational research methods development with musculoskeletal application focus clinical research Main theme of work*Eligibility criteria for Basic Scientists • <10 years after degree. This period may be extended up to a maximum of 2 years in case of exceptional circumstances (illness and pregnancy/childcare). • At least 3 original publication as first or last authors in international peer reviewed journals.Eligibility criteria for MDs • <10 years from MDs OR <5 from specialty. This period may be extended up to a maximum of 2 years in case of exceptional circumstances (illness and pregnancy/childcare). • At least 3 original publication as first or last authors in international peer reviewed journals.Eligibility criteria for everyone•Applicants holding a permanent faculty position for at least 3 years are not eligible to apply. • The applicant should be able to demonstrate a proven track record in securing external grant income • The applicant should be able to demonstrate a scientific excellence profile and cooperative engagement for advancing musculoskeletal research • The applicant should have good social skills and should have documented leadership during their career path.Exclusion CriteriaResearchers, who have been appointed to a tenure track professorship or hold a permanent position as a leader of a research team for at least 3 years. • For Basic Scientists:<10 years after degree. This period may be extended up to a maximum of 2 years in case of exceptional circumstances (illness and pregnancy/childcare). For MDs:<10 years from MDs OR <5 from specialty. This period may be extended up to a maximum of 2 years in case of exceptional circumstances (illness and pregnancy/childcare).** Yes No The applicant has published at least 3 original publications as first or last authors in international peer reviewed journals* Yes No The applicant does not hold a permanent position since more than 3 years* Yes No The applicant has been able to demonstrate a scientific excellence profile and cooperative engagement for advancing musculoskeletal research* Yes No Summary Assessment* Not suitable Maybe Definitely Comments