Geert Carmeliet is MD, trained in pediatrics (KU Leuven, Belgium) and obtained her PhD in Biomedical Sciences (KU Leuven). Since 1995, she switched to an academic career and is now Professor in Medicine and Chairman of the Division of Clinical and Experimental Endocrinology, KU Leuven. She is first, corresponding and/or senior author in a broad spectrum of basic and translational journals in the field of bone development, pathology and regeneration, but also in more general biomedical journals including Nature, Cell Metab, JCI, PNAS. She is involved in training and teaching medical students and PhD students. She is member of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium, member of the FWO expert panel and was member of the Scientific Research Council, KU Leuven. She is an invited speaker at international conferences (Gordon, Keystone, ASBMR).