The ECTS 2020 delegates liked our congress in Budapest. The level of satisfaction was very high, and this included not only the science but also the city and its culture.
Thanks to the effort of the Scientific Programme Committee and the Local Organising Committee we could offer a wide variety of events, all very well attended in a friendly, lively and vibrant atmosphere. Satisfaction included also the pre-congress day, attended by the highest number of delegates so far. The ECTS working groups were altogether judged very positively as they provided the right friendly environment especially for younger investigators to learn from mentors and to present their results.
The format of the congress, with debates, plenary symposia and oral presentations, as well as concurrent workshops and orals, was very much appreciated. This year we also celebrated the 50th anniversary of bisphosphonates with a panel of speakers, pioneers in the field, who gave credit to Prof. Herbert Fleisch for his brilliant intuition that this drug would have had a bright future in the musculoskeletal field.
This year we also had various industry symposia and educational sessions. Their interactive format was also very much appreciated, and the sessions were very well attended not only by clinicians but also by basic/translational scientists, for whom responding to clinical questions was challenging but also fun. As a basic/translational scientist, I learned a lot in these sessions.
New this year was the plenary poster sessions, which included poster fora organized by the ECTS Academy, with no other parallel events. New investigators and rookies were impressed by the poster forum format and we are going to repeat it next year. We will improve the poster concept to give delegates more room in a more comfortable setting. Unfortunately, this very much depends on the congress centre layout, but the one in Marseille for ECTS 2020 should allow us to fully satisfy the delegates expectations.
Finally, ECTS 2019 continued its tradition to provide delegates with the opportunity to network, discuss with their peers and establish collaborations. In this context, a great opportunity was given by the East meets West events, which started with the Mobility & Longevity symposium. This topic was felt so important ……. that delegates took the opportunity of a practical mobility & longevity demonstration at the Monday night networking event…
Do you wish to see more pictures of the ECTS 2019 congress? Click here. Did you miss any sessions and wish to retrieve them? Click here. You could not attend, or do you want to revisit the congress? Stay tuned, we are preparing a comprehensive congress report for you.
We are already working for the ECTS 2020 and our commitment will be to organize for you an unforgettable congress in Marseille, France. See you there on 16-19 May 2020 and…do not forget to register also for the pre-congress day on 15 May 2020. We will amaze you again….
Meanwhile, visit our website (here) and our e-learning platform (here), attend our PhD training course (here) and Mellanby training course (here), attend our monthly interactive webinars (here) and stay updated through our monthly newsletters (here).
Thanks to Roberta Mugnai, Dorota Doszko and Rosemary Oduor from the ECTS, and Severine Weinz and Laura Schreiber from Interplan for their instrumental contribution to the success of ECTS 2019.
Your President,
Anna Teti