Thanks to the effort of the organisers, the scientific programme committee, the ECTS Board members and the delegates, the ECTS 2019 congress held in Budapest, Hungary, 10-14 May 2019, turned out to be another very successful event: over 1170 registrations, more then 250 delegates attending the pre-congress day, over 60 oral presentations, 11 working groups, joint sessions with ICCBH, ASBMR, IFMRS, KSO, KSBMR, JSBMR and CSBMR, 3 educational symposia, 3 industry symposia, 10 meet the expert sessions and a rich ECTS Academy programme including Next Generation Synergy, New Investigator (NI) mentorship, NI seminar, Poster Forum and Charity event. Last but not least, 5 excellence awards, 2 fellowships, over 40 awards based on abstract score, and 10 clinical scholarship grants were presented at ECTS 2019. We wish to thank all delegates, sponsors, supporters and exhibitors who contributed to make this dream come true.
We proudly received positive comments from our delegates….
- Vibrant society, new energy
- The scientific merit, the location and the organisation were excellent
- This congress was one of the best of ECTS in the last decade
- Best conference in a very long time
… with a level of satisfaction over 90% revealed so far by the congress survey.
Thank you very much for supporting the ECTS with your best science.
It is now time to look forward and organise the ECTS 2020 congress ( We will host you in Marseille, the second largest city in France, and the main city in the historical province of Provence. The Vieux Port, the Palace du Pharo and Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde are waiting to be visited by the ECTS delegates in their free time. Save the dates and join us on 15 May for the Pre-Congress and 16-19 May 2019 for the main ECTS Congress. We will please you again with the best calcified tissue science in Europe and beyond.
See you in Marseille!!!