Possible Reschedule of ECTS 2020 – please confirm your support before March 16
In the last days, severe measures in the policies have been adopted across Europe and worldwide following the spread of COVID-19. After careful assessment of the situation, the ECTS leadership is considering postponing ECTS 2020 to 20-24 October 2020, in Marseille.
To help us in the decision, we would like to hear if you would still be available and interested to present. May we kindly ask you to complete the below form as soon as possible and before Monday 16 March? Thank you.
This would allow us to maintain the high level of quality of the scientific programme, while allowing the ECTS community to attend safely.
The possible reschedule will be confirmed in due course in the following days but please do not hesitate to contact ects2020@interplan.de, should you have any questions or require any additional information.
We are sorry for any inconvenience that this possible postponement may cause you. We would like to thank you for your understanding and continuous support.