ECTS operates a robust review process, based on peer review, which is intended to deliver an evaluation process that is fair, equitable, timely and transparent. The aim of the grants is to support research in the area of bone disease and translated into clinical relevance. Applications are evaluated for their scientific merit as well as their originality and significance of contribution to the field.
The evaluation of ECTS grants is submitted to an internal policy and is under the responsibility of the Grant committee. The evaluation is conducted in 3 steps.
The first step is a review of the applications by the 5 members of the committee to confirm the adequacy with the criteria of eligibility. The committee examines all applications against an agreed set of criteria. Applications that do not achieve an overall score that meets the minimum threshold will not progress. All applicants that are unsuccessful are this stage will be provided with a summary of feedback
The second step is a full review of the applications by 3 independent external reviewers selected according to their relevant expertise. A form is filled online including the following critera: 1) the hypothesis (Importance, Originality), 2) the approach (Clarity of objectives, Feasibility or appropriateness of methodology, Feasibility within timescale), 3) the potential Impact: (Scientific or clinical) 4) quality of the applicant and 5) the costs (appropriateness for work to be undertaken). ECTS uses a 5 point rating scale (1 = very poor, 5 = excellent) and the scores combined with a calculated average. Each item is scored online and a general score is generated.
The third step involves a review by the Grants Committee in particular the individual marks, averages and comments for each application, using these to agree its final recommendation to the ECTS Board of Directors who have responsibility for the final decision