Let us know if you would like to be actively involved in ECTS activities and you may be called to be part in one of our committees or action groups. Become an ECTS membere here andcomplete an online form here
ECTS Annual General Meeting, 4 May 2021, 4-5.30pm CEST: Join our Statutory Annual General Meeting and learn more what ECTS has achieved on behalf of the community and what’s next. Only ECTS members will be able to vote, but the meeting is open to all! Visit AGM Lounge
Education and Events:
Bone, Muscle & Beyond Webinars: Cancer Cell dormancy 22 April 4pm – 5pm CEST. Register here
ECTS Academy Mentoring Chat: Research mobility 22nd of April 2021, 6 PM (CET). Check info and register here!
New webinar serieson recent developments in the field ofectopic calcification, from The EuroSoftCalcNet COST Action: Join the EuroSoftCalcNet Webinar series20 April 2021, 4:00 pm CET
20% discount on Article Publishing Charge (APC) for ECTS members
April 2021 Article Selection
Histopathology of osteogenesis imperfecta bone. Supramolecular assessment of cells and matrices in the context of woven and lamellar bone formation using light, polarization and ultrastructural microscopy.Download PDF
Examining zoledronic acid for the prevention of bone loss in patients receiving bariatric surgery.Download PDF
Countdown to the ECTS 2021 Digital Congress – Don’t miss the best science in the musculoskeletal field. By Anna Teti
Less than 1 month to go, are you ready for the ECTS 2021 Digital Congress? Visit the ECTS 2021 website here. You will be astonished by our programme that also this year will be split in two parts: the ECTS Live Prime Time (6-8 May 2021) and the ECTS@Home (19-20 May, 10-11 and 18 June 2021).
Do you miss your networking with friends and colleagues? No worries. Take your beer or coffee and attend the many thematic Coffee Shops we will offer during the congress: nothing to prepare for these sessions, just connect, activate your camera and microphone and spend some time in a relaxed atmosphere in which you can either speak about science or tell us jokes if you wish!
ECTS2021 Allied Health Professionals (AHP) Programme. By Mette Juel Rothmann, Peter Pietschmann and Margaret Paggiosi
ECTS2021 Digital Congress is fast approaching! As last year, we will use the unique opportunity of a digital congress. So no matter where you are in the world, you can join the ECTS congress. The Digital Congress will be divided in two parts: a Live Prime Time on May 6–8, 2021 and 5 days of ECTS@Home on May 19–20, June 10–11, and June 18, 2021. The Allied Health Professionals (AHP) session will take place on June 18, 2021: 13:30–18:00.
The congress will bring together world-renown experts, researchers, clinicians and allied health professionals (AHPs) to create an influential forum for knowledge exchange. Delegates will have the opportunity to discuss the latest advances in musculoskeletal research and state-of-the-art clinical care of patients with metabolic bone diseases and related disorders.
ECTS East meets West Symposium. By Salvatore Minisola
The ECTS East meets West Symposium has become an unmissable appointment of our annual congress. Promoted by C. Gluer in 2016 at the 43rd ECTS Congress, this year more than ever the Symposium should be attended. Focused on the "Prevention of vertebral fractures" we will have the opportunity of listening and learning the most up to date research from distinguished scientists from Western (Drs S. Cummings, R. Eastell and C. Gluer) and Eastern counterparts (Drs H. Yue, Y.-C Ha and H. Hagino).
The symposium includes an initial plenary session with lectures; these will be followed by a panel discussion with representatives from Chinese, Japanese and Korean societies, and from the ECTS Academy.
Low magnetic field promotes recombinant human BMP-2-induced bone formation and influences orientation of trabeculae and bone marrow-derived stromal cells. By Antonio Maurizi
The exposure to Static Magnetic Field (SMF) increased progressively during the last decades, impacting our everyday life. In the context of bone, the Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field (PEMF) is largely used to stimulate the fracture healing and bone formation. Nevertheless, this approach presents some limitations associated with the fact that the devices generating PEMF require electrical power and patients can benefit of this system only for a limited period of time. For these reasons, researchers started to investigate the effect of the static low Magnetic Fields (MFs) on bone. In this regard, the low MFs have been implicated in the osseus fusion, osteoblast differentiation and orientation of the bone matrix, with mechanisms that are not yet fully understood.
In this paper, Okada and colleagues studied the effect of low Magnetic Fields (MFs) on osteoblast differentiation, bone formation and cell orientation in the bone matrix.
Let us know if you would like to be actively involved in ECTS activities and you may be called to be part in one of our committees or action groups. Become an ECTS membere here andcomplete an online form here
ECTS Annual General Meeting, 4 May 2021, 4-5.30pm CEST: Join our Statutory Annual General Meeting and learn more what ECTS has achieved on behalf of the community and what’s next. Only ECTS members will be able to vote, but the meeting is open to all! Visit AGM Lounge
Education and Events:
Bone, Muscle & Beyond Webinars: Cancer Cell dormancy 22 April 4pm – 5pm CEST. Register here
ECTS Academy Mentoring Chat: Research mobility 22nd of April 2021, 6 PM (CET). Check info and register here!
New webinar serieson recent developments in the field ofectopic calcification, from The EuroSoftCalcNet COST Action: Join the EuroSoftCalcNet Webinar series20 April 2021, 4:00 pm CET
20% discount on Article Publishing Charge (APC) for ECTS members
April 2021 Article Selection
Histopathology of osteogenesis imperfecta bone. Supramolecular assessment of cells and matrices in the context of woven and lamellar bone formation using light, polarization and ultrastructural microscopy.Download PDF
Examining zoledronic acid for the prevention of bone loss in patients receiving bariatric surgery.Download PDF
ECTS is thankful to its Corporate Members and other companies that have supported ECTS activities through unrestricted educational grants. These sponsors have in no way contributed to or influenced the content.
Editor in chief: Petar Milovanovic (Belgrade, Serbia)
Co-editors: Cristiana Cipriani (Rome, Italy), Antonia Sophocleous (Cyprus), Barbara Hauser (Edinburgh, UK), Antonio Maurizi (L'Aquila, Italy)