From Schiphol to the Koos Vorrinkhuis (Koudelaan 16, Lage Vuursche) direct:
Taxis are available directly at the front of the main hall of Schiphol. A one way trip from Schiphol to the Koos Vorrinkhuis will cost between €90 and €140 (depending on traffic). Taking a taxi from Schiphol is expensive and not necessary. Τhe trains run frequently, fast, and are reliable. However, it may be cost effective if you share and pre-order your taxi (e.g. via or via
*Be very careful NOT to follow people pretending to be “official taxi driver” and trying to lead you away from the main hall. They are NOT official taxi drivers and may charge extremely high prices.
From Schiphol to Hilversum:
The train station is located directly beneath the “arrivals” hall at Schiphol. This is only a short walking distance and there will be proper signage to guide you.
There are 4 direct trains/hour. The trip takes between 31 and 48 minutes.
To plan your journey go to:
Train tickets cost €7,60 one way, and can be bought at Schiphol (as illustrated in Figure 1 below) or on line via

Figure 1, ticket machine for the train. The left machine will allow you to buy a ticket (losse kaartjes), the right
machine is only for picking up pre-orders (bestellingen). Variations on this design exist, but the machines are
easy to recognize. Machines do not accept cash.
From other European destinations to Hilversum:
Plan your journey and buy tickets at
From Hilversum to the Koos Vorrinkhuis (Koudelaan 16, Lage Vuursche):
Taxis are available at the front of the station (as illustrated in Figure 2 below). The ride takes about 10 minutes and should cost no more than €20.
Buses leave by the hour. To plan your travel ahead go to The journey by bus takes 12 minutes, followed by a 9 min walk. Total costs are €2.10 one way. Please note that bus drivers do not accept cash. You can pay by both debit or credit card.

Figure 2, Hilversum train station (front). The taxi stand is visible on the left hand side of the picture. The buses
leave on the right hand side of this picture (just out of frame).