The ECTS Annual Congress is recognized world-wide for the excellent quality of its scientific programme. Each year top international experts are invited to present state-of-the-art lectures on new developments in musculoskeletal research. With the ECTS Excellence in Research Award ECTS recognizes scientists who substantially advanced the field of musculoskeletal research. The recipient of the award is selected by the ECTS Board of Directors from the group of invited speakers of the ECTS Annual Congress. The award is for €1000 (Euros) and is announced during the ECTS Annual Congress.
Winner of the 2023 Excellence in Research Award
Congratulations to Angela M. Cheung, Professor of Medicine, Director of Centre of Excellence in Skeletal Health Assessment at University of Toronto, and Director of Osteoporosis Program at University Health Network, Toronto, Canada recipient of the 2023 Excellence in Research Award, presented during the ECTS Congress, April 2023.
Previous Awardees
2022: Kent Søe (Odense, Denmark)
2021: Kenneth Saag (Birmingham, USA)
2020: Peter Croucher (Sydney, Australia)
2019: Klaus Engelke (Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)
2018: Hans van Leeuwen (Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
2017: Dennis Black (San Francisco, USA)
2016: Tim Spector (London, UK)
2015: Ian Reid (Auckland, New Zealand)
2014: Roland Baron (Boston, USA)
2013: Alan Boyde (London, UK)