The ECTS grant applications are reviewed by an independent review panel, who are instructed to declare any conflicts of interest.
All applications are reviewed by 3 referees, who are asked to give feedback comments that can be given to unsuccessful candidates who are encouraged to re-submit revised applications.
Applications and reviews are then considered by the ECTS Grants Committee who propose a list of awardees to the ECTS Board. Awards are given based on the following:
- Overall score
- Reviewers’ and ECTS Grants Committee comments
- Current funding available
Many thanks are extended to our reviewers who have assisted in the grant review process
Florence Apparailly | Montpellier, France |
Anne Blangy | Montpellier, France |
Francis Berenbaum | Paris, France |
Claudine Blin | Nice, France |
Nicolas Bonnet | Geneva, Switzerland |
Maria Luisa Brandi | Florence, Italy |
Simone Cenci | Milan, Italy |
Roland Chapurlat | Lyon, France |
Chantal Chenu | London, United Kingdom |
Corinne Collet | Paris , France |
Celine Colnot | Paris, France |
Juliet Compston | Cambridge, United Kingdom |
Cyrille Confavreux | Lyon, France |
Jillian Cornish | Auckland, New Zealand |
Andrea Del Fattore | Rome, Italy |
Adolfo Diez-Perez | Barcelona, Spain |
Florent Elefteriou | Tennessee, United States of America |
Alberto Falchetti | Bologna, Italy |
Valerie Geoffroy | Paris, France |
Matthew Greenblatt | Massachusetts, United States of America |
Agi Grigoriadis | London, United Kingdom |
Núria Guañabens | Barcelona, Spain |
Eric Hay | Paris, France |
Martin Herrmann | Erlangen, Germany |
Eric Hesse | Hamburg, Germany |
Dominique Heymann | Nantes, France |
Said Kamel | Picardie, France |
Moustapha Kassem | Odense, Denmark |
Till Koehne | Hamburg, Germany |
Rik Lories | Leuven, Belgium |
David Magne | Lyon, France |
Pierre Marie | Paris, France |
Gabriel Mbalaviele | Washington, United States of America |
Silvia Migliaccio | Rome, Italy |
Daniele Noel | Montpellier, France |
Philippe Orcel | Paris, France |
Leonid Padyukov | Solna, Sweden |
Sylvain Provot | Paris , France |
Stuart Ralston | Edinburgh, United Kingdom |
Francoise Redini | Nante, France |
René Rizzoli | Geneva, Switzerland |
Anna Teti | L’Aquila, Italy |
James Triffitt | Oxford, United Kingdom |
Jan Tuckermann | Jena, Germany |
Wim van Hul | Antwerp, Belgium |
Andre Van Wijnen | Rochester, United States of America |
Jochen Zwerina | Erlangen, Germany |