The 8th International Conference on Children’s Bone Health took place in Würzburg, Germany, on 10-13 June. The meeting was attended by over 400 delegates from over 40 countries.
Invited speakers included:
Justine Bacchetta (Lyons, France)
Roland Baron (Boston, USA)
Nick Bishop (Sheffield, UK)
Björn Busse (Hamburg, Germany)
Jacqui Clinch (Bath, UK)
Nicola Crabtree (Birmingham, UK)
Antonella Forlino (Pavia, Italy)
Celia Götherström (Huddinge, Sweden)
Mark Hamrick (Augusta, USA)
Nick Harvey (Southampton, UK)
Eric Hesse (Hamburg, Germany)
Wolfgang Högler (Birmingham, UK)
Heike Hoyer-Kuhn (Cologne, Germany)
Melita Irving (London, UK)
Kassim Javaid (Oxford, UK)
Uwe Kornak (Berlin, Germany)
Craig B Langman (Chicago, USA)
Agnès Linglart (Paris, France)
Outi Mäkitie (Helsinki, Finland)
José Millán (La Jolla, USA)
Sogol Mostoufi-Moab (Philadelphia, USA)
Keiichi Ozono (Osaka, Japan)
Frank Rauch (Montreal, Canada)
Anya Rothenbuhler (Paris, France)
Frank Rutsch (Münster, Germany)
Oliver Semler (Cologne, Germany)
Bonny Specker (South Dakota, USA)
Wim Van Hul (Antwerp, Belgium)
Hans van Leeuwen (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Kate Ward (Southampton, UK)
Leanne Ward (Ottawa, Canada)
Bettina Willie (Montreal, Canada)
Full details of the programme and abstracts can be accessed from the meeting homepage.
Over 250 abstracts were submitted, demonstrating clear enthusiasm from this unique and developing community of researchers and clinicians.

New initiatives this year included:
- New investigator networking session
- Allied health professionals networking session and oral communications session
- ePosters, including moderated ePoster sessions
The next meeting is planned for June 2019. Details will be announced in the autumn.