What a great feedback from the ECTS 2017 delegates!
Thank you dears, we are very happy to have delighted you so much. We received the feedback from 400 delegates and over 90% of them replied with “completely agree” (>60%) or “agree” (>30%) to our queries.
According to your responses, we can summarise that:
- The programme met the stated educational objectives to provide an update in the latest advances in musculoskeletal research and clinical care presented by the thought leaders in the field.
- The programme presented innovative and high-quality science.
- The quality of the content was excellent.
- The quality of the speakers was excellent.
- The event was well organised.
- The information provided in this programme will ultimately benefit delegate daily patient care.
- The information provided in this programme will ultimately benefit delegate daily research.
Most importantly:
- Based on their experience, ECTS 2017 delegates would recommend this programme to a colleague and would attend the next ECTS Congress again!!! Enough to be very proud.
Other important numbers…
- Over 500 cups of coffee were served…we’re sure everybody was very awake!
- 1,000 Mozartkugal sweets given away…
- Over 200 delegates used the Selfie Booth during the three days…
- 520 photographic prints produced…
- Over 130 Instagram posts…
We’re glad we also went beyond science and made your stay enjoyable!
- Thanks to:
- Past President and Congress Chair, Claus Glüer
- Executive Director, Roberta Mugnai
- Clinical Co-chair, Richard Eastell
- Basic/Translational Co-chair, Hans van Leeuwen
- Scientific Programme Committee members
- Barbara Obermayer-Pietsch and Local Organising Committee members
- Mondial Congress & Events
- For making this dream come true!