On 25th July 2016, the European Commission confirmed the calls and other actions of the second year of the two-year work programmes setting out funding opportunities for 2017 (see IP/15/5831).
The calls and other actions under the current work programme updates have a budget of €8.5 billion.
The 2016-2017 Work Programme builds on the success of Horizon 2020 to date, but the current update introduces important novelties. It has the potential to change the nature of EU-funded research thanks to the introduction of open research data in all new Horizon 2020 calls. In response to the migration crisis funding is made available to coordinate research communities and make policy recommendations to facilitate labour market integration of migrants. It also includes key actions supporting a forward-looking climate change policy.
Key Priorities for 2017
Horizon 2020 Work Programme is directly aligned with the agenda of the Commission. It will contribute to the Jobs, Growth and Investment Package helping to strengthen Europe’s global competitiveness through innovation to create new and sustainable jobs and promote growth. All the calls for proposals and activities will contribute substantially to this policy area as well as contributing in broader terms to one or more of the other areas.
You can access the full EC Press Release at http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-16-2604_en.htm