ECTS recognises the need for all basic and clinical researchers in the musculoskeletal field in Europe to have access to funding via joint, cross-border initiatives, data sharing and multicentre studies including rare disease studies. To develop these plans, in June 2020 an exciting new initiative has been launched: the Central European Action group. Members of the action group currently come from Serbia, Czech Republic, Russia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Austria. The group is chaired by Gudrun Stenbeck with Petar Milovanovic and Radmila Matijevic co-chairing. Since June several projects have been initiated: the Bone diseases exchange initiative with the aim to improve communication and exchange of important clinical data for the benefit of patient care, quality improvements in osteoporosis management and care as well as translational research purposes (please email for more information); a mentoring initiative (please email for more information); exploration of a multicentre study on tumour-induced osteomalcia (please email for more information) and specific travel/best poster awards are being discussed. An ECTS speaker list is being drawn up to be shared with Central European partner societies and the possibility to bring a future ECTS congress to Serbia is also being explored. A questionnaire will be sent to Central European partner societies at the beginning of 2021 to better understand the specific needs of researchers in these countries. If you wish to participate in any of the activities mentioned above or become an ECTS ambassador please email: