The ECTS 2020 Digital Congress is over and we are enjoying the wonderful evaluation we received by the delegates that participated to the survey. Thank you for supporting the ECTS attending our annual congress.
We have fine-tuned the 2021 programme based on your experience and needs and we are now ready to please you again with the ECTS 2021 congress that will be held digitally due to the continued COVID-19 pandemic. The congress will have 3-days Live Prime Time on 6-8 May 2021, followed by 5-days of interactive ECTS@Home on 19-20 May, 10-11 and 18 June 2021.
Programmes will be rich, with plenary sessions, debates, educational symposia, industry symposia, clinical/basic science concurrent sessions, workshops, training courses, working groups and more. Several sessions are organised jointly with sister societies, including ASBMR, ICCBH, IFMRS, CABS, ISBM, ERA/EDTA, FishBone and Asian bone Societies based in China, Republic of Korea and Japan, in line with the collaborative effort the ECTS established worldwide over the years. Plenary and concurrent oral presentations will be selected from best abstracts, giving the opportunity to many young investigators to share and discuss their data with the audience. Plenty of time will be dedicated to eposter view and interaction with presenters, continuing the successful poster programme we developed in 2020.
The ECTS also cares about scientific networking, despite the digital format prevents us to meet physically. For this we organised a series of thematic coffee shops in which you can meet colleagues and discuss about science freely and informally, with a cup of coffee or whatever you like mostly.
Give a look at the registration fees: they are very convenient, especially if you register early, with a great value for money. We care about New investigators, Allied Health Professionals, Reach the World attendees and representatives from Patient Organisations: for you, the ECTS will have special reduced registration fees. Check the ECTS 2021 website here to know more and register.
More than ever, #ECTS2021 will be the place where scientific research and clinical practice meet!
It is time now to submit your abstract. Share your work with the ECTS community, make it visible, learn from faculties and peers. This is the right time for you to do so. Abstract submission deadline is 11 January 2021. Do not miss this opportunity. Click here to access the submission website.
The ECTS will be pleased to meet you virtually in May-June 2021. Stay safe and continue to support the ECTS visiting the ECTS website and becoming ECTS members or renewing your membership.