In recognition of the crucial role of nurses and allied health professionals at the ECTS congress 2023 two educational sessions will be specifically dedicated to this group of participants. The nurses and AHP programme will take place on Sunday, April 16th, 2023.
The first session will start with a lecture by Andrea Marques (Portugal) on methods and tools that allow us to predict the risk of osteoporotic fractures. The next two presentations will address the role of AHPs in the management of patients with osteoporosis and in clinical science: Peter van den Berg (The Netherlands) will give an overview on fracture liaison services. For advances in the treatment of osteoporosis (multicenter) clinical trials are of central importance; nurses and other AHPs contribute significantly to the success of this research area. Margaret Paggiosi (United Kingdom) will share her ample experience in clinical research in patients with metabolic bone diseases.
The second session is dedicated to the pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment of osteoporosis. In the past decades significant progress in our knowledge on the management of patients with bone diseases has been made. Bisphosphonates emerged as the first line treatment of patients with osteoporosis or Paget’s disease. We are very excited that Graham Russel (United Kingdom), the leading expert in the field of bisphosphonates, will present on the development and current role of this class of compounds. Whereas bisphosphonates are classic representatives of compounds that decrease bone resorption, bone anabolic treatments now are available as well. Polyzois Makras (Greece) in his lecture will characterize this concept for treatment of osteoporosis. In the third talk Katherine Brooks-Wavell (United Kingdom) will assess the effect of exercise and further non-pharmacologic interventions for patients with bone diseases.
More detailed information about the AHP programme is available at the congress website. I am very much looking forward to meet you in Liverpool.