As you may well know, we have several different e-learning initiatives at ECTS. The Bone Muscle and Beyond, and Rare Bone Diseases webinar series being two. We saw that during the COVID-19 pandemic and the following year that these webinars were a way to stay connected, to meet colleagues and collaborators and share knowledge. For years, we saw an increase in the number of participants and averaged above 100 participants every month. The e-learning action group, currently plan 12 webinars each year for the Bone Muscle and Beyond running on the third Thursday every month (Events – Ectsoc). On behalf of the action group, I would like to extend my gratitude to the speakers who more often than not accept our invitation to be part of the webinars and who spend time preparing for these live events to the highest scientific level.
The action group consists is chaired by Bjorn Busse and co-chaired by Lars Folkestad and has members from the ECTS Academy (Steve Stegen and Adalbert Raimann) and ECTS members (Jessica Pape, Maria-Bernadette Madel, Elizabeth Curtis, Katarina Jähn-Rickert, Carolina Medina-Gomez and Michaël Laurent). We collaborate the social media action group to ensure that information about our initiatives is distributed through relevant channels. The action group meets regularly and spend the best parts of the fall organizing the next calendar-years webinars.
But e-learning is more than just webinars. We are therefore looking for new initiatives to interact with the ECTS members and increase the e-learning possibilities via ECTS. One such initiative is case discussions via our social media platforms such as X and LinkedIn. We hope that by posting clinical questions related to metabolic bone diseases, questions related to research methodology and the newest research results that we can increase the interaction between ECTS members online. Currently we are looking for ways to establish an electronic suggestion box, where you as members can send us questions that we then can distribute via our social media platforms to initiate a discussion online. We hope that we will be able to post both clinical and research related topics often over the coming months.
Lastly, remember that previous webinars are available through the e-campus site for all ECTS members.