The ECTS training program for 2021 is intense in the sense that various activities are scheduled in three areas: a course dedicated to PhD students, a course to clinical scientists and monthly webinars.
The course for PhD students is a classic event that ECTS has been organizing for years, and with the change to virtual it has been called “Digital Masterclass PhD 2021”. It is an interactive course in which there are presentations by senior scientists, members of the ECTS Academy and GEMSTONE, and students also present their projects. There is mentoring, and cross-cutting themes will be addressed. This year the course will start with the basics of bone cells, basic and clinical aspects of topics such as hormones, genetics, osteoarthritis and research models and aspects of bioinformatics will be discussed. To learn more and register visit Digital Masterclass for PhD Students, Trainees and Young Investigators 2021 – Ectsoc.
The ECTS clinical training course is aimed at clinicians who want to broaden their knowledge in metabolic bone pathology, and it is the first time that ECTS organizes this course, which is the first of a two-course cycle. It will begin with an introduction to anatomy and physiology, and it will focus on complementary tests in the study of metabolic bone diseases, rare bone diseases and secondary osteoporosis. This course will have a strong interactive component with workshops and ample time for discussion after the presentations. To learn more and register visit Clinical Training Course in Metabolic Bone Diseases – Ectsoc.
The webinars scheduled for this year include different topics ranging from circulating non-coding RNAs and bone marrow fat imaging to more clinical topics such as hypophosphatasia or bone formation in spondyloarthritis. With a total of 10 webinars per year, basic and clinical aspects of research on relevant topics are covered. To learn more and register visit ECTS Webinar Series Bone, Muscle & Beyond – Ectsoc.
From this Newsletter I encourage you to participate in these ECTS educational activities where science and networking merge. For more information visit Education – Ectsoc.