Happy New Year and I hope you and your family and friends are well in these difficult times. In the words of my Hospital Director, 2020 has been a year that quite frankly we don’t mind saying goodbye to. Thank you for your continued support of the ECTS and for your active contribution to the society.
The ECTS 2021 Live Conference is about you
It is time now to get your best new research output down as an abstract for the upcoming ECTS conference. We want to be there to showcase your research and facilitate reconnecting and networking.
The abstract deadline is coming up very quickly – it will be the 11th of January in no time at all. Submit your best work here.
The registration fee (here) now includes an early bird discount to allow ECTS members, AHP and Trainees to now register at a favourable rate. Lower registration fees are also available for Delegates from Countries with Developing Economies.
The SPC and LOC 2021 have been working tirelessly to set up the programme for the 2021 ECTS meeting and have come up with a brilliant and broad programme. Rest assured that we will use our experience from the 2020 virtual meeting and your feedback to make the 2021 conference as interactive and lively as the format allows and to bring in you the best speakers and topics.
ECTS 2021 Digital Congress will take place on 6-8 May 2021 for the Live Prime Time and 19-20 May, 10-11 June, 18 June 2021 for the ECTS@Home Programme.
Building your career and keeping your network alive
We continue to plan our courses as physical courses but with the built-in option to move everything online, should circumstances demand it. The ECTS is committed to providing both a PhD training course and a Clinical Training Course in the 2nd half of 2021.
Also, we will be providing a series of social online Coffee Shops once or twice a month leading up to the ECTS 2021 conference. These topical interactive events should allow us all to reconnect with the people we would normally meet up with in the physical coffee shops and refreshment queues at the conferences.
Is 2021 going to be the year when you join one of the ECTS Action Groups?
Find more information in this issue of the newsletter about how you can nominate yourself as a volunteer for one of the Action Groups. There is a limited number of vacancies each year so do be in touch if you are interested.
Finally, thank you for being part of the ECTS family and do spread the word to your friends and colleagues. We strive to be the preferred conference and the preferred educational resource for new people joining the bone field and also always delighted to welcome old friends back. Stay safe and speak to you again soon.
Bo Abrahamsen
ECTS President