The ECTS 2020 congress this year was challenged by the SARS-COV2 virus that has changed our lifestyle and approach to science. Nevertheless, the Live Prime Time has been successfully presented to our delegates, arousing great interest, and promoting virtual but effective networking. Thank you for your support of the ECTS and the congress. All sessions were well attended, and the discussion was even more lively than usual. We were delighted to see so many questions asked by young investigators, who participated actively in all the events. Thanks to the ECTS Academy, new scientists were welcomed in our community, and we wish them success and productivity. The opportunity to network and reconnect with colleagues is an essential part of the ECTS congress. Our coffee shops attracted groups of delegates guided by experienced baristas who facilitated dialogue and exchange of ideas. The ECTS lost the clinical debate with the ASBMR but we were happy to present the ECTS/ASBMR 2020 Golden Femur to John Eisman, who convinced the audience to switch from being in favour to being against the motion that intervention thresholds should be dependent on age. Well done John, congratulations! We are very grateful to delegates and sponsors for their support of the ECTS, which we hope will continue in the years to come.
But this is not all: Lectures, oral presentations, and posters continue to be available online in the Live Prime Time Virtual Platform so that you do not miss out. If you are registered to the congress you can still watch them on demand, connect with other delegates online, visit the exhibition and ePoster area.
Beyond ECTS 2020 Live Prime Time, as a registered delegate you still can watch the past ECTS@Home sessions on demand and participate in the remaining interactive events. Visit the ECTS@Home programme at and check the sessions that will be presented between 13 November and 8 December 2020. Enjoy the programme and contribute to the live discussions through the Education Resource Centre.
If you are not registered, don’t worry, it is not too late. Click here and enjoy the programme and contribute to the live discussions through the Education Resource Centre.
Are you ready for the ECTS 2021 congress? Abstract submission will be closed on 11 January 2021. The meeting will be held as a digital event between 7 and 11 May 2021. Mark your diary and stay tuned. More information on format and programme will be circulated shortly.
Bo Abrahamsen – ECTS President
Anna Teti – ECTS 2020 Congress Chair