ECTS would like to send a heartfelt THANK YOU to all our clinical members that are working at the forefront of the COVID-19 outbreak. You are making a huge difference in these difficult times and our appreciation of your efforts is beyond words.
COVID-19 is changing our personal, professional and scientific lives. None of us has experienced a similar situation in which we moved so quickly from disbelief in the disaster to the understanding that this disaster had entered and permeated our lives. In almost every city in Europe, hospitals are overcrowded with patients, intensive care units are stretched to the limit, clinicians are on the front line with a high risk of infection, and basic scientists had to stop their research in haste. This is the scenario in Milan, Barcelona, Madrid, Munich, Paris, London… and, thus, health services in Europe have been overwhelmed, often with insufficient resources. Meanwhile, the population is reluctantly confined to their homes.
ECTS members are part of this global situation, many of them at the forefront. From here, the ECTS Board would like to thank and pay tribute to all our members who are risking their lives every day and to those who are preventing the COVID-19 from spreading by remaining confined in their homes. Only together, fighting for the common good, will we overcome this pandemic in Europe and the Rest of the World.