It is a pleasure and an honour for me to introduce to the readers of the ECTS Newsletter some historical and current aspects of the Spanish Society for Bone and Mineral Research. In Spanish, Sociedad española de investigaciones en metabolismo óseo y mineral (SEIOMM).
The Society was founded en 1987 by several Spanish investigators, clinical and basic ones that were interested in bone and metabolic mineral diseases. The aim was to set up a multidisciplinary society with the goal of gathering together all Spanish researchers working in the bone field. This was achieved thanks to the efforts of the first president Dr. Daniel Roig Escofet and of many others who were involved in creating SEIOMM. Nowadays, we have more than 500 full members. Approximately, 70% of them are clinical researchers and 30% are basic researchers. The members are from several different specialities: rheumatologists, internal medicine specialists, general practitioners, endocrinologists, orthopedic surgeons, geriatrists, biologists, gynecologists and other medical and basic specialists.
The Society has an intense life dedicated to expanding knowledge in the bone field. It is considered by many as the most important scientific society in the bone field in Spain. The annual Congress brings together more than 400 researchers. We also edit and publish the journal “Revista de osteoporosis y metabolismo mineral” (ROMM) which is the most important one in Spanish language. An English version is also available. Our clinical guidelines and statements are the most autorithative for Spanish clinical practice in the bone field. We have also funded many research projects. Currently we are involved in the Spain-wide dissemination of Fracture Liason Services (FLS). Spain is the country that has more FLS in the world, as it is recognized by IOF. Also, we are involved in research and development projects such as new methods to asses bone quality.
I hope to see you soon in Valencia for the upcoming ECTS Congress.
Josep Blanch MD, PhD
President of Spanish Society for Bone and Mineral Research (SEIOMM)