Let us know if you would like to be actively involved in ECTS activities and you may be called to be part in one of our committees or action groups.Become an ECTS member here and complete an online form here
ECTS-GEMSTONE Digital Masterclass for PhD Students, Trainees and Young Investigators 2021, 24-27 August 2021. ByClaudine Blin, Fernando Rivadeneira and Nuria Guañabens
After the success of the first digital master class in 2020 and because of the uncertainties in organizing a face-to-face course, ECTS has decided to repeat this great event. We are therefore delighted to propose you the second digital master class co-organized by ECTS and the COST Action GEMSTONE (GEnomics of MusculoSkeletal traits TranslatiOnal Network) from August 24 to 27, 2021.
The ECTS PhD training course has been for many years one of the most important and attractive events for PhD students, trainees and young researchers interested in the field of musculoskeletal pathophysiology. ECTS and GEMSTONE have made an effort to organize a virtual event that resembles as close as possible to a face-to-face course; preserving the spirit and philosophy of close proximity and interaction between professors, students and between young researchers themselves.
ECTS Clinical Training Course on Metabolic Bone Diseases. ByRichard Eastel
This online course has been organised by Richard Eastell (Sheffield) and Núria Guañabens (Barcelona) on behalf of the ECTS Clinical Action Group. It will be held on 2 and 3 September 2021. It is a two-day course covering basic topics such as anatomy, physiology and diagnostic testing and this first course will consider these in the context of rare bone diseases, focal bone diseases and secondary osteoporosis.
The course is aimed at clinicians in training with a particular interest in the field of bone and mineral metabolism and metabolic bone diseases, such as osteoporosis. It is also of interest to specialists willing to update their knowledge, allied health professionals, and industry delegates.
The programme and the registration details may be accessed here.
Time to pass the torch in the E-learning action group. ByLars Folkestad and Bram van der Eerden
Today, the ECTS webinar series include 12 webinars per year, with international speakers and regular attendance above 100 participants. When Covid-19 hit and physical scientific meetings were put on hold, our webinars - and the new addition of the ‘ECTS coffee shops’ – have been instrumental for ECTS members to share knowledge and facilitate vibrant discussions. Thanks to the high scientific and educational content,the webinar series have now been CME accredited, and all participants will be given one CME credit for their attendance in the live session. It proves that our webinars address real-world challenges that we face day to day and will allow us to stay up to date with the latest developments in our field.
ECTS aims to engage members across borders, fields of research and career levels. The ECTS e-learning and webinar action group started in 2017. So new members were invited into the action group during the fall of 2020 to ensure a smooth transition of the action group and keep the momentum going on curating exciting webinars for the coming years.
News from the world: Osteoclasts recycle via osteomorphs during RANKL-stimulated bone resorption. By Petar Milovanovic
Osteoclasts are large multinucleated bone-resorbing cells formed by the fusion of monocyte/macrophage-derived precursors, and they are believed to undergo apoptosis when bone resorption is complete.
In a recent study, Michelle M. McDonald et al. developed a minimally invasive system for longitudinal real-time imaging of cellular dynamics in the tibia of mice.
Let us know if you would like to be actively involved in ECTS activities and you may be called to be part in one of our committees or action groups.Become an ECTS member here and complete an online form here
ECTS is thankful to its Corporate Members and other companies that have supported ECTS activities through unrestricted educational grants. These sponsors have in no way contributed to or influenced the content.
Editor in chief: Petar Milovanovic (Belgrade, Serbia)
Co-editors: Cristiana Cipriani (Rome, Italy), Antonia Sophocleous (Cyprus), Barbara Hauser (Edinburgh, UK), Antonio Maurizi (L'Aquila, Italy)