Webinar Bone, Muscle & Beyond: Bone Gut Axis
Date & Time: 21 April 2022, 4 pm CET
Featuring Dr Morten Frost
- 5 min welcome & introductions
- 35 min presentation
- 20 min Q&A
- 15 min interactive coffee shop
Learning objectives:
- Gastrointestinal peptide (GIP) impairs bone resorption and may increase bone formation
- Glucagon-like peptide 2 has antiresorptive properties
- Glucagon-like peptide 1 acutely decreases bone resorption – and commonly used GLP1 receptor agonists may prevent bone loss despite decreasing body weight
Costs: Live webinar is free for ECTS members and non-members, but a registration is required. Recordings are accessible to ECTS members only.
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Featuring Dr Morten Frost ![]()
Morten Frost is professor of metabolic bone diseases at the Endocrine Research Unit and Steno Diabetes Centre Odense, University of Southern Denmark, and a consultant endocrinologist at the department of endocrinology, Odense University Hospital (DK). His current research involves effects of gut secreted hormones on bone metabolism, the impact of mitochondrial function on bone cell activity, and mechanisms behind skeletal fragility in type 1 and 2 diabetes. He is a member of the ECTS Academy and chairs the Danish Medicines Council’s committee on treatment of metabolic bone diseases.